The overall objective of this project is to advance the development of green skills within the innovative and sustainable Ecoboat building industry and the wider boat building industry.
million boats in europe
95 % of which are built using non-renewable and/or non-recyclable materials. This means that the majority of skills required to work in this sector are orientated towards this way of building boats, using non-sustainable skills and materials.
New start-ups
Since 2005, many new boat building start-ups have emerged who have researched and tested new sustainable materials which are eco-friendly and recyclable.
A change towards sustainability?
Also established boat building companies in Europe are waking up to the idea that their range of boats must begin to offer greener alternatives in the way they are built and the way they are re-cycled at the end of their life.
New skills needed
Building new boats using new materials and new methods requires boat builders to possess new green skills as opposed to those required for building traditional GRP boats.
specific objectives
Produce a Guide
that includes which methods and/ or materials are used, and identifies the new skills needed in Eco-boat building,
Run run three 'Skills Shadowing Workshops'
where the project partners come together to exchange good practice and learn new skills
Develop a Directory
of Eco-boat builders in Europe and a Skills Identification model for green skills in Eco-boat building will verify that this has been achieved.
Advance in EU's Green Deal
by providing a Best Practice guide for sustainable practices in boat building and it also supports the EU's “Year of the Skills” by identifying new green skills in Eco-boat building.
target groups
Eco-Boat builders
who want to exchange their knowledge and skills to advance sustainability
Eco-boat builders
who want learn more about what activities are ongoing in the EU
boat builders
that still use non- sustainable materials
VET Students
in boat building but also in related fields
VET Trainers
in boat building but also in related fields
HE Students
that conduct research into new materials